Julie Kelly

Learning Opportunities/Quality Works, Inc. fulfills the administrative responsibilities for MCCDDC. 

Kelly Wilson

Bruce Weimer

Administrative Responsibilities

Jan VanSickle

Kalie Harlow

The nine-member volunteer board of MCCDDC is appointed by the  Macon County Commissioners. 

1. Two members shall be related by blood or marriage within the third degree to an individual with a  developmental disability.

2. At least seven shall be residents of the county. 

3. All members shall be appointed to serve for a term of three years. 

4. Members with very professional backgrounds, age, ethnicity, gender, and life experiences.

Community members interested in becoming members of the board, contact Wendy Hays at (573) 735-4282.

Jamie Kauffman

Vice President


Board Member Recruitment

 Board of Directors

Carol Burstert

Board President

Hilary Morrissey

Crystal Martie

The MCCDDC Board of Directors is made up of citizens of the county appointed by the Macon County Commission. These valued volunteers use their time and energy to oversee the activities of the organization while working together to ensure the best possible quality of life for individuals challenged by disability throughout Macon County.

The present tax is set at 0.096 cents per $100 assessed value and generates approximately $200 thousand annually. MCCDDC contracts with agencies that will provide services to approximately 120 Macon County individuals with developmental disabilities.